Venus indicates your values. Her placement describes your inclination toward romance, marriage and other partnerships, capacity for humor, and the pursuit of pleasure.
Venus, the goddess of love, represents female relationships and social interactions at every level. She rules your social attitudes and behavior, along with your aesthetic tastes and inclinations.
Venus in the First House: Amiability and a cheerful temperament help popularity and there is usually great love of companionship and social life. There may be a craving for pleasure and with this is likely to be lined much devotion to the arts, especially music and drama. The power of attracting others may be an important factor in achieving success.
Venus in the Second House : To natural ability in handling finance is usually added the necessary magnetism of personality which ensures the good-will and assistance of others. Friends and associates tend to offer lavish attention and may render possible the attainment of lucrative positions. There may be some tendency towards extravagance, probably arising from the inordinate interest in clothes, jewellery and amusements. Excessive generosity may result in the squandering of money on the objects of the affections, but fortunately in most instances inherent prudence curbs this tendency.
Venus in the Third House: Interest in literature, music and painting is likely to be marked and gain may arise from these sources. Travel is another potential source of profit and pleasure. A sunny disposition attracts the interest and affection of others and most contacts will tend to be characterised by harmonious relationships.
This is likely to be particularly marked in the case of brothers and sisters.
Venus in the Fourth House : Domestic environment tends to play a large part in enriching the personality and there will be intense love of beautiful furniture and home surroundings. Home life usually creates much happiness, especially in later years. Gain is possible through the parents.
Venus in the Fifth House : Social intercourse, pleasure and amusements tend to be the chief centre of interest. Contact with others on terms affection will contribute much to happiness and popularity is likely to be an extremely important feature. Interest in the arts and practical ability in those branches which encourage social intercourse is likely and much gain will probably result. Another source of benefit would be teaching or publishing. Some ability for the successful manipulation of stocks and shares is also possible. Happiness in married life and deep attachment to children are likely to be other important features.
Venus in the Sixth House: Harmony tends to prevail in occupational matters and smooth co-operation with others is likely to facilitate the achievement of success. The good-will of both servants and superiors and popularity with fellow workers are highly significant and most relationships will consequently tend to be beneficial.
Health is likely to be good but abuse of the physical resources would be likely to result in chronic invalidism.
Venus in the Seventh House: Marriage tends to play an important part, being productive of both personal happiness and material benefit, and may take place at an early age. Popularity helps in the achievement of success in public life, but successful partnership is likely to be an important element. Artistic ability is likely to be above the average and there is the necessary charm of personality to gain the goodwill of the public.
Venus in the Eighth House: Marriage, partnership and inheritance are likely to be the vital issues, being productive either of great benefits or of heavy losses. Personal happiness is probable in marriage in spite of the possibility of some disappointment in love. Estrangement is likely to be the greatest obstacle.
Venus in the Ninth House : Idealism and sensitiveness to the poetry of life help to enhance the charm of personality. Good taste in artistic matters and an intense love of beauty tend to have as their complements sympathetic understanding for others and great generosity. Religion, particularly the devotional aspect, is likely to exercise a strong appeal but it is probable that the practical angle along the lines of charitable work will also receive attention. There will probably be a love of travel and foreign countries, resulting in both pleasure and pecuniary gain. There is a possibility of marriage to a foreigner or in a strange land.
Venus in the Tenth House: Popularity, especially with the opposite sex, and a wide circle of acquaintances are usually indicative of harmonious contacts in both public and private life. Success is likely to be accelerated as a result of the benevolent interest of superiors. Marriage tends to improve the social status, but gain may also come through the parents. Comfortable financial circumstances permit the cultivation of a cheerful and optimistic outlook and the extraction of the maximum enjoyment from the pleasure of life. In unfavourable conditions there is likely to be frustration in the social life arising from the contempt of superiors, possibly enhanced by the consequence of a hasty marriage. The absence of favourable opportunities for the full development of natural talent is likely to be the gravest obstacles to advancement.
Venus in the Eleventh House: Friends tend to assume great importance and interest centres round social contacts. The interest and assistance of others is usually present in the endeavours and there is little likelihood of efforts being made in isolation. The danger lies in the treachery or insufficient ability of associates and the possibility of being used for other ends.
Venus in the Twelfth House : Some secluded occupation is likely to suffer the maximum possibilities of gain, or work of a rather commonplace nature. There is a tendency to indulge in clandestine love affairs, with the consequent dangers of scandal and estrangement. Social ostracism may be the outcome of malicious slander on the part of secret enemies.
Love affairs tend to reach an unhappy climax and there is a tendency to marry someone of inferior social standing.