Friday, 28 June 2019

Moon in Second House

Moon in 2nd H: The native will be handsome in appearance, full of glory, wealthy and easily satisfied. He will help the native to achieve in his young age a distinct professional achievement by the favour of the King and Government. If the Moon is associated with a malefic, the native will be uneducated. If the Moon is in conjunction with benefic or benefics, the native will be highly educated and wealthy. If only full Moon is in the second house, the native will be very wealthy and highly educated.

Other Views

Brihat Jatak- The person concerned will have a large-family.

Phaldeepika- If the Moon is in the second the native will be soft spoken and will enjoy all material comforts, but there will be something wrong with his speech.
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Saravali-Native will get all comforts of life and happiness, will have friends and will be wealthy. If there is full Moon in the second house the native will be very rich but will not be much talkative.

Chamatkar Chintamani- The native will gain wealth and enjoy all comforts of the body (that is, he will be very healthy). He will enjoy women and will be affectionate towards members of his family. He will be very handsome.
Note-All are agreed that the Moon in the second house will give very beneficial results according to the significations of this house, assuming however, that there is no malefic influence on such Moon. It should also be assumed that the lord of the second is well placed in the horoscope. Here we also take the liberty of mentioning that Moon in the second house will not give good results if she is lord of 6th, 8th and 12th. This will happen when Aquarius, Sagittarius and Leo are the ascendants respectively.

Moon in First House

If the Moon is in the first house (ascendant), the native will be very handsome looking but unsteady mentally. He will suffer from bodily troubles and will be happy at watery places. He will perform many travels in his 15th year. If the Moon in the Ascendant is in Aries, Taurus or Cancer, the native will be well versed in shastras (Hindu religious scriptures), wealthy, happy and soft spoken. He will have soft skin and strong build but he will not be intelligent. If the Moon is aspected by benefics, the native will be powerful, wise, intelligent, healthy, clever conversationalist and wealthy. If the lord of the ascendant is weak, the native will suffer from ill health. If he is aspected by a benefic the health will be good.
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Comments- Moon symbolises beauty. Her placement in the ascendant makes the native very handsome in appearance. Moon is always waning and waxing and represents mind (manaska- raka). The mind of the native will therefore be unsteady. Moon is a watery planet. The native will therefore like watery places.

When the Moon is in Aries in the ascendant, she will be lord of the 4th in the 1st. When she is in Taurus she will be exalted as lord of the 3rd in the 1st. When the Moon is in Cancer she will be in her own sign, in the Ascendant. The effects of these dispositions given are that the native will be versed in shastras, wealthy, happy, a king. He will be soft spoken, will be of strong body but not intelligent. We agree with the author in as far as position of Moon with Aries and Cancer as ascendants but we are not sure that the same will be the case with Taurus as ascendant. The View of Bhavartha Ratnakar in this respect is as under: That is, the Moon in Taurus as ascendant is not particularly good for giving wealth. We also feel that the Moon should be waxing (or full Moon) to give the good results in full.

We also feel that Moon in Scorpio, Libra and Pisces in the Ascendant will also be good because she will be in the ascendant as lord of the 9th, the 10th and the 5th respectively. The reason for the native not being intelligent may be due to the instability of native's mind. If the Moon is aspected by a benefic the native will be powerful, intelligent, wealthy etc. Very good results will accrue when Jupiter is in seventh to Moon (this disposition will give rise to Gajkesari yoga-a very beneficial yoga conferring wealth, name and fame upon the native). For a planet to give good results it is very necessary for the lord of the sign in which it is posited, to be strong and well placed. It is for this reason it is said that if the lord of the ascendant is weak the native will suffer from ill health. He will be quite healthy if the lord of the ascendant gets benefic aspect.

Other Views

Brihat Jatak- The person concerned will be mute, insane, stupid, blind, base or mean, deaf or servile (this does not apply to birth with Moon in Aries, Taurus or Cancer). If the Moon should occupy her own house identical with the Ascendant, the person will be rich. If Aries takes the place of Cancer, the person concerned will have many children. If Taurus be the ascendant, the person will be wealthy.

Phaldeepika- If the Moon of the bright half of the lunar month (Sukla Paksha) is in the ascendant, the native will be fearless, of strong body, wealthy and long lived. Quite opposite will be the results if the Moon is of dark half of the lunar month.

Saravali- If the Moon is in Aries, Taurus or Cancer in the ascendant or if the full Moon is posited in other ascendants, the native will head in handsomeness, generosity, good qualities, wealth and enjoyment.

A waning Moon in the ascendant will make the native mean, deaf, mute and perturbed.

Chamatkar Chintamani- If the Moon be in Aries, Taurus and Cancer in the ascendant, the person concerned will be rich, lustrous and will enjoy all kinds of comforts. If Moon be in Gemini, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio Capricorn, Aquarius and Pisces in the ascendant, the native will be poor, weak bodied, stupid and deaf.

Sun in Twelfth House

If the Sun is in the 12th house, the native will suffer from appendicitis in the 36th year of his life. He will waste his money on undesirable purposes, he will be sinful and will incur loss of wealth. He will live away from his native land. If the Sun is associated with strong and auspicious planet or planets the native will enjoy blessings of God. He will also enjoy bed comforts (sexual pleasures). If the Sun is in conjunction with malefics the native will incur wasteful expenditure and will be deprived of bed comforts. If the Sun is associated with the lord of the sixth house the native will suffer from leprosy but he will recover from this disease if a benefic aspects the Sun. The presence of the Sun in the 12th also will make the native sinful and there will be aggravation of the diseases he suffers from.

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Brihat Jatak-The person will suffer degradation.

Phaldeepika- The native will be inimical towards his father. He will suffer from eye troubles. He will be without wealth and childless.

Saravali- The native will have a lean body. He will be one eyed, sinful, childless, inimical to his father, powerless and mean.

Chamatkar Chintamani- The native will suffer from eye troubles. He will be victorious in the battlefield. He will live at only one place to earn his livelihood. He will gain wealth during journeys.

Sun in Eleventh house

If the Sun is in the 11th house, then the native will have substantial income from agricultural operations. In his 25th year he will acquire conveyances.

Related imageBy the use of his wealth and diplomatic talk, he will be able to acquire more wealth. He will suffer from a serious kind of fever and will have cordial relations with his employees. If the Sun is with a malefic he will incur lot of expenditure and will be without any conveyance. If the Sun is in his own sign or is exalted, he will have immense wealth. If the Sun is in conjunction with the lord of the 4th house, he will have sources of income at many places and will acquire conveyances and will be very fortunate.

Other Views
Brihat Jatak- The Sun in the 11th house will make the person born wealthy.

Phaldeepika- The native will be wealthy, long lived and happy. He will have command over many persons, that is, he will be of high status.

Saravali- The native will accumulate wealth, will be powerful, will hate others, will be without servants, will stick to his words and will be successful in his ventures.

Chamatkar Chifitamani-The native will acquire wealth from the king (Government) and possess many kinds of wealth. He will destroy his enemies by his valour but will be unhappy in the matter of children.

Note-The eleventh house is a house of gains and all the authorities mentioned above agree with Bhirgu Sutras that the placement of the Sun in this house is beneficial for acquisition of wealth.

Sun in Tenth House

If the Sun is in the tenth house, the native will make distinctive achievements in the educational sphere by his 18th year, and will become famous and quite capable of learning well. If three planets aspect the Sun, the native will be liked by -the king (Government), he will do pious deeds, will be very brave and valorous and earn good reputation. If the Sun is exalted (that is, he is in Aries) or is in his own sign Leo, the native will become powerful and famous on account of his good qualities and achievements. He will construct reservoirs and temples and places for housing cows and Brahmins. If the Sun is in the sign of a malefic, or is aspected by or associated with a malefic, there will be obstructions in his professional career. He will indulge in evil deeds, will be of undesirable conduct, immoral and sinful.
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Brihat Jatak- The person concerned will be happy and powerful.

Phaldeepika- The native will be blessed with children and will have all comfort'of conveyances. He will be wise, wealthy, powerful and of good reputation.
Saravali- The native will be blessed with children and will be wise and wealthy. He will enjoy the comfort of conveyances. He will achieve success in his profession, will remain unconquered and will be noble and will attain high status.

Chamatkar Chintamami- The native win achieve success in his work like a king. He will cause pain to his mother (as Sun as a malefic aspects the fourth house which is significator for mother) and will get separated from his relations. He will always be mentally worried.