Monday, 1 July 2019

Planets responsible for Diseases

All matters relating to diseases should be ascertained from (a) the planets in the 6th house, (b) the planets in the 8th house (c) the planets in the 12th house, (d) the lord of the 6th house and (e) the planets associated with the lord of the 6th house. The particular disease may be predicted if the same happens to be indicated by two, three or more independent planetary dispositions.

The Sun is the significator for following diseases and troubles (1) bile, (2) high fever, (3) burning in the body, (4) epilepsy, (5) heart diseases, (6) eye troubles (7) stomach troubles, (8) skin diseases (9) lecorrhea, (10) danger from enemies, (11) danger from wood, fire, weapon and poison, (12) distress from wife and sons, (13) danger from thieves or quadrupeds, (14) danger from snakes (15) danger from the king, the God Yama and God Shiva.

The Moon's significations in this chapter are (1) Excessive sleepiness or sleeplessness, (2) laziess, (3) phelgmatic affliction, (4) dysentry or diarrhoea, (5) carbuncle, (6) typhoid fever, (7) danger from horned or watery animals or creatures, (8) loss of appetite, (9) indigestion (10) tastelessness, (11) trouble from women (12) jaundice, (13) impurity of blood, (14) danger from water, (15) mental fatigue (16) fear from Balagrahas, the Goddess Durga. kinnaras, the God yama, snakes, and female Yaksha.

Mars can be the cause of following diseases and troubles (1) Excessive thirst, (2) morbid irritation due to billious fever, (3) fear or danger from fire, poison or weapon, (4) leprosy, (5) eye trebles, (6) appendicitis, (7) epilepsy, (8) injury to the marrow, (9) itch in the body, (10) roughness of the body, (11) bodily deformities, (12) fear from the king, fire and thieves, (13) quarrels with brothers, sons or enemies, (14) fighting with the enemies, (15) diseases in the upper part of the body and (16) fear from evil spirits, gandharva and frightful demon.

Mercury is concerned with the following diseases and troubles (1) mental confusion (2) harsh speech or trouble in vocal organs, (3) eye troubles, (4) diseases of the throat, (5) trouble in the nose or nasal affliction, (6) fever caused by imbalance of the three humours — wind, bile and phlagm, (7) ill effects from poisoning (like food poisoning), (8) skin diseases, (9) jaundice, (10) itchning and bad dreams, (11) fear from fire. (12) hard labour, (13) diseases or evil caused by gandharvas etc.

Jupiter is responsible for the following diseases and troubles (1) Appendicitis, (2) fever due to infection in intestines, (3) fainting, (4) diseases of the ear, (5) troubles in connection with temple matters, (6) Distress due to curse of Brahmin (7) troubles due to hoarded wealth, (8) oppression caused by Vidyadhara, Yakhsa, kinnaras, Gods, Serpents etc. (9) Punishment due to show of disrespect to preceptor, respected and elderly persona and deviation from duty towards them.
This is suffered during the Antar Dasa of Jupiter. This is so determined by the Divine.

The diseases and troubles caused by Venus are as follows-(1) Palecomplexion due to Anaemia, (2) Eye troubles, urinary obstruction, diabetes,diseases of the generative organs due to imbalance of phlegm and wind, (4) lack ofvitality, (5) inability to have sexual inter course (impotency), (6) Pale complexion,lack of lustre and weakness due to excessive indulgence in sexual intercourse, (7)rickets, (8) fear from witches, female ghosts and female deities (9) break infriendship with dear friends.

Saturn is likely to be the cause of the following diseases and troubles (1) diseases caused by wind and phelgm, (2) Pain in the legs or becoming lame, (3) fatigue due to excessive labour, (4) mental aberration, (5) Stomach ache, (6) Excessive heat in the body, (7) troubles from servants, (8) distress due to wife and children, (9) injury to some part of the body, (10) mental anguish (11) oppression by ignominious goblin and the like, (12) injury from a blow from a piece of wood or stone (13) misfortune.

The diseases and troubles attributed to Rahu are as follows : (1) Heart diseases, (2) theart of burning, (3) leprosy, (4) abarration of mind, (4) diseases caused by poisoning, (5) pain in the legs or injury, (6) distress from wife and children or distress caused on their account, (7) trouble from goblins, serpents or enemies.

Ketu is the cause of (1) Trouble through dispute with Brahmins and Kshatriyas.
The troubles due to Gulik are (1) fear from seeing dead bodies (2) poison, (3) bodily pain, (4) sorrow due to the death of a near relation, (5) fear from evil spirits.

If the Moon and the Sun occupied the 2nd and 12th houses associated with or aspected by Mars and Saturn, the native will suffer from eye diseases.

Notes - If the planetary disposition described above is concerned with the 12th house, the left eye will be affected. Similarly if any amongst the Sun and the Moon is posited in the 2nd or the 12th house and is aspected by Saturn or Mars, such Sun or Moon is in the 2nd house, the right eye will get afflicted. The left eye will be adversely affected if their disposition be in the 12th house. If the Sun be in the 2nd aspected by or associated with Mars or Saturn and the Moon be in the 12th aspected by or associated with Mars or Saturn, both the eyes will get afflicted and may even make the native blind.

Image result for planets and diseases

If the 3rd and 11th houses and Jupiter be associated with or aspected by Mars or Saturn, the native will suffer from diseases of the ears.

The native will suffer from stomach ache if the Mars be posited in the 5th house and be associated with the lord of the 6th or the 8th house. Rectal disease, will be caused to the native if the lords of the 6th or the 8th house be posited in the 7th with a malefic or the lord of the 6th be in the 8th along with a malefic.

Venus under the above condition will make the native suffer from a disease in the private parts (veneral diseases).

If the 6th or 8th house be occupied by the Sun, there would be fear of fever, if by Mars or Ketu, the danger will be from injury or ulcer; if by Venus, it will be through a disease in the private parts, 

if Jupiter should occupy the 6th or the 8th house, the native will be afflicted with consumption; if Saturn be in such a position, the native will suffer from nervous diseases. If Rahu aspected by Mars be in the 6th or the 8th, the person concerned will suffer from carbuncle. Should Saturn alongwith the Moon posited in 6th or the 8th, native will suffer from enlargement of the spleen. If the waning Moon should occupy the 6th or the 8th house identical with watery sign, in conjunction with malefic; the person will suffer from watery diseases or consumption.

The death is caused through the diseases caused by the strongest of the planets occupying or aspecting the 8th house.

If there be no planet occupying or aspecting the 8th house, the death will be caused by the diseases signified by the 8th house or those indicated by the house in which the lord of the 8th house is placed.

If any of the planetary disposition do not exist, it may be declared with certainty that death will be caused by the diseases caused by the lord of the 8th house, or by the lord of the 22nd decanate (counted from the Lagna decanate).

When the 8th house is occupied or aspected by a planet, death should be declared to be caused by diseases relating to that planet. When there are no planets occupying or aspecting the 8th house, death is caused through diseases arising from the nature of the sign representing the 8th house.

The diseases or means through which death is caused by the various planets are as under :—
(1) The Sun — fire, high fever, bile or weapon
(2) The Moon — Cholera, watery diseases or pulmonary disease
(3) Mars — fire, magical spells, witchcraft and weapons.
(4) Mercury—Anaemia, bloodlessness, and similar diseases and giddiness.
(5) Juipter — Causes death without much trouble or through phelgm.
(6) Venus — Venefal diseases or similar ones caused by association with Women.
(7) Saturn — Wind diseases or a dangerous fever like typhoid.
(8) Rahu — Leprosy, food poisoning, venomous bites, smallpox and the like.
(9) Ketu — Unnatural death like suicide, assassination as a result of hatred of enemies or through worms etc.

The death should be predicted through the evil effect arising from the 8th house reckoned from the Lagna or through the evil effect of the sign representing Navamsa occupied by the lord of the 8th house.

The diseases caused by the planets have already been described earlier. Now are detailed the diseases and troubles caused by the various signs which may ultimately become the media of death of the native.
(1) Aries — fever due to excess of bile, diseases caused by heat like stroke etc., liver or gastric trouble.
(2) Taurus — Diseases caused by the imbalance of the three humours bile, phlegm and wind, injury by weapon or fire.
(3) Gemini — Catarrah, asthema, or sharp pain such as colic.
(4) Cancer — Insanity, windy diseases, loss of appetite etc.
(5) Leo — fatal injuries caused by wild animals, fever, boils, enemies.
(6) Virgo — Troubles caused by women, veneial diseases, fall from a height.
(7) Libra — Brain fever and typhod.
(8) Scorpio — Diseases of the spleen, dyspepsia and jaundice.
(9) Sagittarius — Injury caused by fall from a tree (or by tree falling of or varga
(10) Capricorn— Stomach-ache, loss or appetite or aberation of mind etc.
(11) Aquarius — cough, fever, consumption etc.
(12) Pisces — Watery diseases such as Jalodara, drowning, etc.

 If the lord of the 8th house be a malefic and 8th house be a malefic the death will be by weapon, fire, tiger or snake.

If two malefics posited in kendras aspect each other, the death will be due to displeasure of the government, through a weapon, poison or fire.

If In any nativity, the lord of the 12th house be In a sign or Navamsa of a benefic or be associated with a benefic or the 12th house be occupied and owned by a benefic, the native will meet with his death without any anguish or suffering.

The death will be painful if the lord of the 12th be posited in the sign or Navamsa of a malefic and be associated with a malefic, or the 12th may'be occupied or owned by a malefic.

If the lord of 12th house be posited in his sign of exaltation, a friendly sign or a varga of a benefic planet or be associated with a benefic planet, the native after his death goes upwards to heaven. If he is posited in his sigh of debilition, in an inimical sign or in the varga of a malefic planet, he after his death goes to hell.

Mars in Fourth House

Mars is one of the worst malefics. His placement in the 4th house will destroy all the good significations of the house. If he is associated with a malefic, he will cause more havoc. The domestic life of the native will be badly affected, he will have no house, no land, will be poor and his mother will suffer from ill health and may die early if Mars is in his sign of debilitation and associated with malefics.

Image result for buildings on fireIf Mars is in his own sign or is exalted very good results have been predicted. He will own conveyances, lands and houses and his mother will be long-lived. When Mars'is in Aries he will be in the fourth house as lord of fourth and eleventh in fourth the ascendant being Capricorn. If Mars is in Scorpio, the ascendant will be Leo (for which Mars is a yoga karaka planet), he will be in the fourth as lord of the fourth and the ninth houses. If Mars is in Capricorn (exalted) the ascendant will be Libra and Mars will be in the fourth as lord of the 2nd and the 7th houses. All these dispositions will generate powerful Dhana Yogas. If Mars is in Aries, Scorpio or Capricorn, in the fourth house (a kendra or quadrant), Ruchaka yoga will also be formed.

It has been stated that if Mars is in the fourth, father will die early in the life of the native. The reason for this can be that Mars in the fourth house will aspect the 10th house which is a maraksthana for the native's father (being 2nd to the ninth house).

Phaldeepika- The native will be without mother (that is he will lose his mother in his early life), will be without friends, happiness, conveyances and lands.

Saravali- The native will have no house, grains, proper clothes, relations, conveyances will have no happiness and will have to live in a house not his own.

Chamatkar Chintamani- Inspite of the other planets being favourable in the horoscope, if Mars is in the fourth, the native will be deprived of happiness from father, mother, wife and children (in other words his domestic life will be unhappy). But the native gets land and clothes by the favour of the Government.

Mars in Third House

If Mars is in the third house, the native will have no younger brothers or sisters and the native's wife will be of questionable character but this will not happen if Mars is aspected by a benefic. He will also have financial gains. 

Image result for mars in 3rd houseIf Mars is associated with Rahu or Ketu, the native will have association with prostitutes. He will have inimical relations with his brothers and will face difficulties on that account. His wife will have a well- shaped female organ. He will have few brothers and sisters. If Mars is associated with or aspected by malefics, the native will suffer from loss of brothers (and sisters). If Mars is in his own sign (Aries or Scorpio) or is in his sign of exaltation (Capricorn), the brothers will be long-lived and the native will be patient and brave. He will prove very valourous in the battle-field. If Mars occupies a friendly house, the native will be courageous.

Phaldeepika- The native will be full of good qualities, wealthy, happy and valourous and he cannot be suppressed by any body. But the native will not be happy on account of his brothers (this can mean that he may have no brothers or the relations between him and his brothers may be inimical).

Saravali- The native will be valourous, unconquerable, without brothers, equipped with good qualities, healthy and famous.

Chamatkar Chintamani- The native will be valourous, wealthy (Wealth earned by valourous deeds) unhappy on account of brothers and relations.

The third house is an 'upachaya' house where malefics are said to give benefic results in accordance with the significations of the house. All the above authorities seem to have based their views on this principle. Mars is a significator of brothers. He is also a karaka for the third house. Mars in third is said to give ill effects in regard to brothers. This is perhaps due to 'Karako Bhava Nashaya' theory propagated by some of our ancients.

Mars in Second House

If Mars is in the 2nd H, the native will have no education but he will gain wealth. He will have Harsh Speech, hate his relatives and roam with bad company in early life. If the Mars is with the lord of the sixth house, the native will suffer from eye troubles such as cataract, defective eyesight, blindness etc., but this may not happen or the native may recover from eye troubles if the above combination is aspected by a benefic (Jupiter or Venus). The native suffer with Bilious troubles and Muscular atrophy.

Related imageIf Mars is in one of his two signs, namely Aries or Scorpio or if he is exalted (is in Capricorn) the native will be well educated and will have good eyesight. If Mars is in conjunction with a malefic, is in the house of a malefic or is aspected by a malefic, the native will suffer from eye troubles.

Other Views

Brihat Jatak- The person concerned will eat bad food.

Phaldeepika- The native will have an ugly face, his speech will not be perfect, he will be uneducated and will serve undesirable persons.

Saravali-The native will be poor, he will eat bad food, will have an afflicted face, will move in the society of mean people and will be stupid.

Chamatkar Chintamani- The native will be miser and will defeat his enemies.

Mars in First House

If Mars is in the Ascendant the native will have wound marks in the body or marks left behind by boils. The native will have a stout body, will have stealing habit, a big navel and reddish hands. He will be cruel, strong, stupid, of angry temperament, extraordinarily valourous, wealthy, unstable and he will suffer from peculiar diseases, sufferer of mental troubles. He will also be of wicked disposition. If Mars is in his own signs (Aries or Scorpio) or is exalted.(is in Capricorn), the native will be healthy and of strong constitution, and will get honours from Government enhancing his reputation. He will also be long lived. 

Related imageIf Mars is in conjunction with a malefic or enemy planet, the native will be short lived, will have few children, will have an ugly appearance and will suffer from diseases and pains on account of rheumatism. If Mars is exalted in the Ascendant, the native will be wealthy and will be fond of sight seeing. If Mars is associated with or aspected by malefic or is in enemy sign, the native will suffer from eye diseases.

Other Views
Brihat Jatak- The person concerned will have an injured limb.

Phaldeepika- The native will be very cruel and courageous. He will be short lived and will get injuries in his body.

Saravali- The native will be cruel, courageous, stupid, short lived, proudy, valourous, handsome and of unstable mind.

Chamatkar Chintamani- Lathi (objects made of iron and fire) will be source of danger to the life of the native. He will remain worried and will suffer from the loss of his wife, children etc. However courageous he may be, he will have to face evil consequences from his actions.