Thursday, 8 August 2019

Saturn in Sixth House

If Saturn is in the sixth house, the native will have little learning and there will be destruction of enemies. The native will have fall financial and agricultural prosperity. 

If Saturn is associated with Mars, the native will travel far and wide and will enjoy Raja Yoga of a moderate order. 

Related imageIf Saturn is in the 6th as lord of the 8th house, the native will suffer from Arishta (reduction in longevity) and rheumatic troubles and shooting pains. He will also have marks of injuries in the body.

The sixth is an upachaya house. Saturn in this house will give benefic results in regard to finances but will cause sufferings from diseases.

The sixth house is an evil house. If Saturn being lord of an auspicious house is in the 6th, the significations of that house will be adversely affected. However, if
Saturn is in 6th as lord of the 6th. 8th, or the 12th house, extremely favourable results will be realised.

Other Views

Brihat Jatak- The person concerned will be powerful but will be overpowered by his enemies.

Phaldeepika- The native will eat a lot, will be wealthy and proud.

Saravali- The native will eat a lot and will be pssionate, handsome, courageous, evil minded and conqueror of his enemies.

Chamatkar Chintamani- The native will vanquish his enemies, will own cattle like cows and buffaloes and will suffer loss of his uncle.

Saturn in Fifth House

If Saturn is in the fifth house, the native will be childless and very poor. He will be engaged in inferior trades and will adopt a daughter. If Saturn is in his own sign the native will have daughters. If Saturn is aspected by Jupiter the native will have two wives of whom one will be issueless and the second one will give birth to daughters. If Saturn is strong the native will have affairs with many women.

Other Views

Brihat Jatak- The person concerned will be childless and without wealth.

Image result for less intelligentPhaldeepika- The native will be evil minded and devoid of learning, children, wealth and happiness. He will move about aimlessly.

Saravali- The native will be without happiness, children, friends and intelligence. He will be heartless and always poor.

Chamatkar Chintamani- The native will be childless and of unstable mind and wealth.

Saturn in Fourth House

If Saturn is in the fourth house, there will be loss of mother. After the death of his mother, the native will get a step mother, but all these evil effects will not happen if Saturn is in his own house or exalted in the fourth house and the native will own prestigious conveyances like Cars, etc.. 

Image result for dilapidatedIf Saturn in the fourth happens to be lord of the ascendant, the mother will be long-lived and the native will enjoy all kinds of comforts and be happy. If Saturn is associated with the lord of the 8th house, there will be loss of mother and happiness.

In the case of Aries, Taurus and Libra ascendants when Saturn will be a functional benefic being lord of the 10th and 11th , the 9th and 10th, and the 4th and 5th houses respectively, the disposition of Saturn in the 4th will give rise to powerful Dhana Yogas. Saturn in the fourth house will be in Kendra to the ascendant. His disposition in his own sign or in his sign of exaltation, will give rise to Sasa Yoga.

Other Views

Brihat Jatak- The person concerned will have no happiness and will be troubled in mind.

Phaldeepika- The native will be without house, conveyance, mother and happiness.
He will also be sickly in his childhood.

Wednesday, 7 August 2019

Saturn in Third House

If Saturn is in the 3rd house, then there will be communication troubles in the early life and separation from brothers (or there may be no younger brothers). The native will earn his livelihood by undesirable trades. 

If Saturn is in his own sign or in his sign of exaltation, the native will have a good number of brothers. If Saturn is associated with a malefic the native will be inimical towards his brothers (if there are any).

Other Views

Image result for communication troublesBrihat Jatak- The person concerned will possess a good intellect and great strength.

Phaldeepika- The native will be intelligent, generous and will enjoy the comforts of married life, but he will be lazy and unhappy.

Saravali- The native will be a man with family, courageous, charitable and intelligent but he will be mean.

Chamatkar Chintamani- The native will be unhappy on account of his brothers. He will be ambitious and a good orator. He will face many obstacles in his life.

Saturn in Second House

If Saturn is in 2nd house, then the native will remain in want of money (financial stringency) and will have two wives (this means that his first wife will die and he will marry again). If Saturn is associated with a malefic the native will play foul with women and will be in charge of a Matha (a religious institution). He will possess no lands and will suffer from eye troubles.

In the case of the following dispositions the native will be well off financially:-

(1)When the Ascendant is Aries and Saturn is in the 2nd as lord of the -10th and llth houses. 

(2) When the Ascendant is Taurus and Saturn is in the 2nd as lord of the 9th and 10th houses. 
Related image
(3) When the Ascendant is Virgo and Saturn is exalted in the second as lord of the 5th house (He will also be lord of the 6th and there may be some blemish on that account). 

(4) When the ascendant is Libra and the Saturn is in the 2nd as lord of the 4th and 5th houses. 

(5) When Scorpio is the ascendant and Saturn is in the 2nd as lord of the 4th house. (There will be some blemish on account of Saturn being the lord of 3rd house also). 

(6) When the ascendant is Sagittarius and Saturn will be in the 2nd house in his own sign.

 (7) When the ascendant is Capricorn and Saturn will be in the second house as lord of the ascendant and the second houses (He will be in his own sign Aquarius).

Other Views

Brihat Jatak- The person concerned will be immensely rich but will be deprived of his wealth by a king and will suffer diseases in the face.

Phaldeepika- The native will be ugly in appearance. He will adopt questionable means for earning his livelihood and will be poor. Later in his life he will go away from his native place and will acquire wealth, conveyance and other objects of comfort.

Saravali- The native will have an afflicted face. Later in life he will leave his native place and acquire wealth, conveyances and other objects of comfort.

Chamatkar Chintamani- The native will be harsh in speech and will acquire wealth etc., when he separates from his family and goes away from his native place.