Friday, 28 June 2019

Moon in Ninth House

Moon is in the 9th house, the native will be highly learned and charitable. He will construct ponds, tanks for the good of others and shelters for Animals. He will also be fortunate in the matter of children who will be prosperous. If the Moon is full, the native himself will be very fortunate and his father will be long-lived. If Moon is in conjunction with a malefic or in the house of a malefic, the native will be unfortunate and will suffer loss of his parents early in his life.

Other Views

Brihat Jatak- The person concerned will possess sons, friends relations and wealth.

Image result for moon in 9th housePhaldeepika-The native will perform pious deeds and will have sons (children).

Saravali-The native will be a devotee of Gods and obedient to his parents. He will be happy and intelligent and will be blessed with children. He will also be attractive for members of the opposite sex.

Chamatkar Chintamani- The native will be respected by all, even Brahmins. He will become fortunate from his young age and will be courageous.

Moon in Eighth House

Moon in 8th H: - The 8th is one of the most inauspicious houses of the horoscope and a planet loses all its good significations when posited in this house. 8th house is 12th (house of loss) to the 9th house which signifies fortune and prosperity. The Moon in this house will therefore spoil the comforts to the native and he may have therefore amongst other adversities also be deprived of the comfort of conveyances. The 8th house is a powerful significator for accidents. The Moon being a watery planet will produce danger to life from drowning. As regards the statement that the presence of the Moon in 8th house will separate the native from his relations on account of his wife we are unable to find any astrological reason for it, but as the statement comes from a distinguished authority, the readers may verify it from their practical experience. If the Moon is exalted or is in her own house the native will be long lived. This is because the 8th house being house of longevity a strong Moon (she will be lord of 8th in 8th if she is in her own sign), will give a long life to the native. Life will be shortened if the Moon is weak and quantum of shortening life will be in proportion to the weakness of the Moon.
Image result for moon in 8th house
Other Views
Brihat Jatak-The person will have a fickle mind and suffer from diseases.

Phaldeepika-The native will suffer from diseases and will be shortlived.

Saravali- The native will be intelligent, full of glory and lean and thin on account of diseases he will suffer from. If there is waning Moon in the 8th the native will be shortlived.

Chamatkar Chintamani- The native will always be surrounded by physicians (this means he will always be sickly). He will suffer from horrible afflictions, will always be in fear from enemies and will have to face many adversities.

Moon in Seventh House

If the Moon is in the 7th house the native will be soft spoken and will get a wife in his 32nd year. He will have some defect in his eyes and will be fond of women. He will have to undergo surgery caused by contacts with women. He will get favours from the king (Government). If the lord of the seventh is powerful he will have two wives. If the Moon is weak (waning), there will be loss of wife. If the Moon is full, or powerful or in his own sign, there will be only one wife and all comforts and luxuries will be available to him.

Other Views

Brihat Jatak- The person concerned will be envious and will be exceedingly over head and ears in love.

Related imagePhaldeepika- The native and his wife will both be very good looking and will love each other.

SaraVali- The native will be good-looking, well behaved, happy and passionate. If the Moon be weak (waning), the native will be poor and will suffer from ill health.

Chamatkar Chintamani- The native will get all happiness from his wife. He will enjoy gains in inland trade and business. He will like sweet dishes. He will be very greedy. He will be so weak that he will get defeat from his enemies.

Moon in Sixth House

The Moon if posited in the 6th H will lose all her good significations and the evil effects will be aggravated if the Moon comes under malefic influences. The native will indulge in sinful and immoral deeds because the 'sattvic' qualities of the planet will be destroyed by malefic influences. The Moon is a watery planet, therefore under malefic influences watery places will become a source of danger for the native. If the Moon in the sixth is under benefic influences the native will enjoy good health.

Other Views

Brihat Jatak- The person concerned will have many enemies, will have a delicate constitution and a dyspeptic appetite. His sexual passion will also be weak. He will be harsh in temperament and indolent in his work.

Related imagePhaldeepika- The native will be short lived and stupid. He will suffer from stomach ailments and will be defeated and humiliated by enemies.

Saravali- The native will suffer from stomach ailments. If the Moon is weak (waning), the native will be short lived.

Chamatkar Chintamani- The native will be opposed to king (Government) and will acquire fame by his own glorious deeds. He will conquer his enemies. He will not be devoted to his mother.

Moon in Fifth House

Moon in 5th House:  Mantra Siddhi' is one of the important significations of the 5th house.
A beneficial Moon in the 5th enables the native to get the blessings and pleasure of the female deities by sincere and devoted worship. Being ninth to the ninth house the 5th house is also a house of Dharma and Bhagya. This house also signifies riches etc. Therefore with the beneficial influence of the Moon, the native will become very prosperous in all respects and will be able to keep two wives. The wife will be beautiful because the Moon is a planet who symbolises beauty. It would, however, be relevant to ascribe such an effect to the Moon in 7th house which signifies wife. 

We can ascribe beauty to the wife in the fifth house also in case the Moon as lord of the 7th is strongly placed in the 5th. Such a disposition could be possible in a horoscope with Capricorn as ascendant where lord of the 7th Moon will be in the 5th in Taurus, her sign of exaltation. It is not clear how the Moon will make the wife quick tempered and she will have an ugly birth mark in between the breasts. The 5th house is not a significator for wife and breasts. The fifth house is also a significator for religious mindedness, spiritual practice and
Related imageprayers by incantations. Benefic influence of the Moon can therefore make the native a Rajyogi. Moon is a female and fruitful planet. Her presence in 5th house (house of children i.e. Suta Bhava), naturally gives more female issues than male issues.

Other Views
Brihat Jatak- The native will have children.

Phaldeepika- The native will be highly intellectual and will have good sons. He will become a minister of the king.

Saravali- The native will be timid, educated and will acquire and accumulate clothes and grains. He will have friends and children and will be wise and full of glory.

Chamatkara Chintamani - The native will enjoy happiness in the matter of children.
He will acquire agricultural wealth and lands. He will be of pious mind and he will acquire wealth by doing banking and other business.