Sunday 28 June 2015

Precession of Equinoxes

The 2 intersection points at which Celestial Equator cuts the Ecliptic in an angle of 23 1/2˚ degrees are called "Equinoxes" (or) " Equinoctial Points ". Day and Night are equal on these 2 days (points) in the Year.
  •  Ecliptic is fixed, the Equator is only one that is Moving.
There are 2 Equinoxes i.e One is Vernal Equinox [Vasanta Vishuvat] occurs nearly on 21st March and other is Autumnal Equinox [Sarat Vishuvat] occurs nearly on 22nd September.

   There are 2 more points called " Solstices " [Ayanatas]
One such point Northernmost latitude (Hemisphere) of Sun's apparant path [Where it reaches Highest] known as " Summer Solstice " (or) "Uttarayana" dawn approximately on 21st June.

And anthor known as " Winter Solstice " (or) "Dakshinayana" where Sun reaches Lowest point of Southern Hemisphere dusk approximately on 22nd Dec..

The Vernal Equinox was found to precede 1˚ degree in every 72 Years i.e 50.24 Seconds Backwards per Year.

Thus the intersectin point of the ecliptic changes on the celestial equator. Due to this, there is shift in Solstice which is called " Vishu Chalanam" [Precession of Equinox].

In other way, The position of any fixed star near the ecliptic and near the border line of the Constellation Aries could be chosen to be the determinant, or standard reference point, in order to observe this yearly precession of the Vernal Equinoctial Point among the fixed stars. The Hindu astronomers selected Revati as the determinant fixed star, and considered this star as marking Aries O° of the constellations. Each year the equinoctial point of Aries O° of the signs will be found to have precessed some 50" of space farther west of Revati than it was the previous year.
The meaning of the term, "Precession of the Equinoxes," is now clear. It refers to the slight annual increase in distance of the equinoctial points from a standard fixed star, which is considered as Aries O° in the Zodiac of the Constellations, while the Vernal Equinox is considered as Aries O° in the Zodiac of the Signs.

    1 Age Cycle = 72 Y (equinox Point) * 30˚ (one Zodiac Sign length) = 2160Yrs.
       A Precession Cycle = 72 Y * 360˚ = 25920 Years.
  •  We are at the moment of Piscean Age will enter into Aquarian Age on 2444 A.D.

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