Saturday, 27 June 2015

Leo born characteristics

Key Attitude : " I Lead" , " I am Great".        
 Rules : Belly, Spine & Heart
 Ruler Sun     
Leos are center of the stage with dramatic statements and actions. These Men and Women never lean on others. These are proud and arrogant. Responsibility towards the weak and helpless appeals to them. Forgiveness and Sympathy are Big Cat's inner nature.

Gemini born characteristics

Key Attitude : " I Think"
Rules: Arms & Shoulders.                  
Ruler : Mercury 

Gemini ,the sign of Twins, 2 distinct characters (Duality) is hot, moist, sanguine, masculine, northern, diurnal and Bicorporeal sign. Most Versatile of all Zodiac Signs. 

They may be one place today, somewhere else tomorrow.  They can do multiple things at a time. They are changeable and pretty fast. These are aware of what others are thinking & feeling. These are very sensitive at Heart.

Cancer born characteristics

Key Attitude : " I Feel "                                            
Rules : Breasts, Stomach.
 Ruler : Moon

Cancer is the sign of Summer tropic, cold, watery, moveable, phlegmatic, northern and weak sign.

Cancerian's are very affectionate to near and dear ones. These gives you warmth in cold, hugs you, caress you, protective like umbrella to family, a medicine while you are ill, boost you confidence while you are unhappy.

In one line " Cancer have motherly tendency for all ".

Taurus born characteristics

Key Attitude : " I Have" , " I Love Routine ".  

Rules :- Face, Neck and Throat.

Ruler :- Venus
Symbol :- Bull

Taurus people quite, practical, patient, down-to-earth by nature. Once they form some opinion or firm determination on something, it is quite difficult to change their decisions.

Taurus people plan for tomorrow carefully. They love Luxury. If you wanna like to impress a Taurus women, you need to plan a bright weekend with full of surprises, taking her to Candle-light dinner, gift a Diamond Ring.

Aries Born Characteristics

Key Attitude: ” I am the One”, ” I Rule”.                    
 Rules : Head portion of body.
Ruler : Mars
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Aries, house of Mars and exaltation of Sun is the first sign of Zodiac who is vernal, fiery, masculine, dry, equinoctial, Moveable and violent sign. It represents Birth [Infant], as Pisces represents Death. The Ram is conscious only of himself.

Whether you take Moon sign/ Ascendant, Aries people are impulsive by nature, full of energy, independent, aggressive, restlessness, born to rule the world around them. Aim for Authoritative position.