If Jupiter is in 10th house, then The native will be religious minded and will perform righteous deeds, favours from government, will be very able, will have widespread reputation and will be respected by the masses. He/she will be at highly esteemed position.
If the lord of the 10th is strong, the native will perform high class religious sacrifices and will have many followers. If the lord of the 10th is associated with a malefic or is in the house of a malefic, there will be obstacles in his professional career and the native will indulge in evil deeds and will suffer financially.
In the 10th house Jupiter will be in Kendra to the ascendant. His disposition in his own sign or in his sign of exaltation will give rise to Hamsa yoga.
Other Views
Brihat Jatak- The native will be wealthy.
Phaldeepika- The native will be very rich and a favourite of the king (Government). He will be of praiseworthy conduct and will enjoy great respect and reputation.
Saravali- The native will be successful in his efforts, respected and proficient in every way. He will be happy, wealthy respected and will enjoy confidence of the public and comforts of conveyances.
Chamatkar Chintamani- A. flag will fly on the top of the house of the native (sign of being head of a State). His house will be decorated with pictures. He will excel his forefathers in his reputation. He will not be happy in regard to his children.