Friday 10 March 2017

Financial Prospects in Drekkana for Persons born in various Ascendant

Wealth has many sections and will have to be interpreted with reference to locality, time, circumstances and other surroundings. Ordinarily, we can recognise three grades, viz., aristocratic, commanding immense sums ; middle-class people, who have enough to eat, but not much to spare; and the poorer classes who have only one meal a day and who are hard-pressed for money.

Aries or Mesha
First Drekkana (0°-10°).—The fortunes are somewhat variable. There is gain through property and rural industries and sometimes through marriage The person will be frugal and cautious. He takes advantage of circumstances to improve his lot. The important years will be 18th, 28th. 36th, 42nd, 46th and 50th.

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Second Drekkana (11°-200).—The natural tendency is no doubt to be cautious, but the person is all for money. He gives the impression of being richer than he actually is. Financially, the important years will be 20th, 24th, 29th, 36th, 47th, 56th and 6lst.

Third Drekkana (21°-30°).—The subject generally takes risks in money matters and is pulled down by his enemies. He is generally fortunate in financial matters. The 21st, 25th, 31st, 34th, 36th, 42nd, 45th, 5lst and 52nd years will be important.

Taurus or Vrischika
First Drekkana (1°-10°).—The native earns a lot of money, but it does not stay in his hands. Unless he takes precautions in his earlier years of life, the advanced period will be anxious. He is never frugal in financial matters. He will hardly leave anything for his children and dependants. He will get into debt and his properties will be encumbered. He is likely to lose by legal affairs and strifes. The important years will be 21st, 23rd, 31st, 42nd, 51st, 65th and 68th.

Second Drekkana (11°-20°).—The subject will be frugal and detest getting into debts. Sometimes this frugality may extend to miserliness. On account of his overcautious nature, he may miss many sound opportunities for money-making. He will steadily strengthen his financial position. He will become wealthy, provided there are no other adverse yogas. The important years will be 17th, 21st, 24th, 33rd, 50th and 55th.

Third Drekkana (21°-30°).—The subject will be unhappy so far as money is concerned. As age advances, he will become comparatively poor. He may give his money away to others or waste it in meaningless schemes. He should deal with money very carefully. Speculation is not advisable. Important years will be 18th, 22nd, 26th, 31st, 35th, 42nd, 51st and 57th years.

Gemini or Mithuna
First Drekkana (1°-10°).—The fortunes are subject to change. Women play a large part. The native will experience adversity as well as affluence. He will have control over large sums of money only after he has reached his thirties. He will have to exercise great prudence and avoid litigation. Unexpected reversals may be expected in money matters unless there are other relieving yogas or special combinations. Insurance companies, trusts, electrical installations, aviation and such occupations will be favourable. The most important years will be 16th, 23rd, 30th, 45th and 54th.

Second Drekkana (11°-20°).— Government service will not be as favourable as business or other enterprises. The subject will fail to make provision for his advanced years. Whatever prudence he may have, he will sustain heavy losses. If the Moon is in debility, there will be many hitches. He should be on guard against swindlers and imposters. Important years will be 19th, 23rd, 25th, 29th, 32nd, 36th, 43rd, 46th and 49th.

Third Drekkana (21°-30°).—The subject will earn money by intellectual means. Speculative business is not advisable. Some loss through litigation is indicated in the 45th or 46th year—the exact period depending upon the nature of the current directions. Important years will be 24th, 29th, 33rd, 35th, 41st, 47th, 59th, 60th and 62nd.

Cancer or Kataka
First Drekkana (I°-10°).—Frugality often t2kes the form of miserliness in the native. He will do many foolish things in finance. Difficulty in acquiring wealth is shown and frequently the inheritance is lost through relatives or by speculation, affairs connected with children and love attachments. At times he will meet heavy financial losses. He is likely to gain by private enterprises. Important years will be 17th, 24th, 29th, 31st, 39th, 49th and 52nd.

Second Drekkana (11°-20°).-The native is seldom lucky in money matters. His generous nature will be a handicap for him to save any money. Risky investments are not advisable. Litigation and blackmail play a large part in making him lose money. He will, however, be fortunate in certain conditions. If the Sun is exalted, that gives rise to much earning by high political appointments. Important years will be 18th, 27th, 34th, 44th, 53rd and 60th.

Third Drekkana (21°-30°).—The native will be generally careless in money matters. In advancing years, he is likely to face poverty and loss of position. He will find it difficult to manage his affairs carefully. His fortunes are subject to much change. Important years will be 19th, 26th, 33rd, 36th, 45th and 48th.

Leo or Simha
First Drekkana (1°-10°). —Wealth comes from personal merit, but financially the native will hardly be successful. He will always be in want though earnings may be good. Trading in commodities, food and clothes is also advisable. In service, there will be sudden and unexpected reverses. He may also earn money by means of astrology. Reversal of fortune may occur. Important years will be 21st, 26th, 31st, 33rd, 38th, 43rd, 50th and 54th.

Second Drekkana (11°-20°).—Much depends upon the position of Mercury in the horoscope. The native may become a good writer or journalist or he may earn money by literature and music. If in service, he is likely to earn the displeasure of his superiors. Consequently he will sustain reverses. His financial career will be moderate. After the 50th year or thereabouts, he may get access to some wealth through insurance or investments. Important years will be 23rd, 26th, 31st, 36th, 45th, 53rd, 54th, and 56th. In spite of talents, the native seldom dies rich.

Third Drekkana (21°-30°).—The native will fare better in money matters than those born in the second Drekkana. Money is earned through unexpected ways. He will succeed in contract works, shipping products and in intellectual pursuits as well. The important years will be 20th, 25th, 30th, 33rd, 38th, 43rd and 48th.

Virgo or Kanya
First Drekkana (1°-10°).—The degree of wealth shown is not considerable and is frequently acquired by dint of exertion and labour. There remains a chance of loss especially during the earlier part of life. Speculation risks should be avoided as far as possible. The subject is likely to be influenced by designing persons working for their own benefit. Reckless schemes and impulsive actions may prove ruinous. He can earn money by judicious investment, industry, business connected with toilets, perfumery, millinery, music, etc He is also inclined to get involved in litigation. The important years will be 18th, 24th, 30th, 36th, 42nd, 49th and 55th. He can also attain success as an organiser or company promoter.

Second Drekkana (11°-20°).—The financial conditions will be much better off. He is likely to get considerable wealth. But care is necessary in matters of speculation. Generally he will be close-fisted with money. The period, Jupiter transits Scorpio, Aquarius and Cancer, will be particularly important in his financial career. He will spend money on wayward habits unless other favourable influences prevail. Important years will be as in the case of the First Drekkana.

Third Drekkana (21°-30°).—In affairs connected with money, the early life will be much more successful than the middle one. There will be squandering of money leading to much misery. The career will be marked by many disappointments. Gambling and speculation should be avoided. Important years will be 20th, 26th, 32nd, 35th, 40th, 44th and 50th.

Libra or Thula
First Drekkana (l°-10°).—This is a peculiar sign. The subject may either become a worshipper of Mammon or he may renounce riches. This depends upon the disposition of planets in the horoscope. Financial success is likely to follow in business enterprises, legal and political occupations. He is also likely to indulge in luxury and an extravagant style of living. Large schemes of a speculative nature are. however, harmful. Important years will be 17th, 24th, 31st, 33rd, 40th, 43rd and 57th.

Second Drekkana (11°-20°).- The native will have sudden financial reverses. Money will be made through unusual methods, sometimes unscrupulous too. He will get into trouble on account of misuse of others' moneys. He will not be much attracted towards ordinary business routines. Writing will also pay him well provided Mercury is disposed favourably. He may spend money in unusual ways. The important years will be 15th, 22nd, 24th, 29th, 31st, 36th, 42nd, 44th, and 51st.

Third Drekkana (21°-30°).—The financial disposition of the person born in the third Drekkana of Libra will be generally lucky. As hotel manager and caterer, financial success may attend him. Music and fine arts will also attract him. If in service, there will be sudden promotions. In spite of this, he will labour under disadvantages in the early years of life. The important years will be 16th, 18th, 23rd, 25th, 27th, 32nd, 39th, 46th and 53rd.

Scorpio or Vrischika
First Drekkana (i°-10e).—The monetary affairs are fraught with uncertainty but when favourable combinations obtain, the native will amass considerable quantity of money. Generally, there may be two distinct sources of income. Business enterprises, journalism and industry will make the native earn money. Extensive litigation and powerful enemies will also rise in his path. Speculation will attract him particularly though much success is not shown in it. He must avoid over-reaching himself in his efforts. Stocks, shares and industry will have a special attraction for him. The important years will be 14th, 22nd, 23rd, 29th, 30th, 40th, 41st and 45th.

Second Drekkana (llo-20°). — In matters of finance, the subject will not be too prudent. He will be a dreamer but sometimes the dreams may become reality. He will also come under peculiar conditions. He may thrive well in imaginative occupations. Much depends upon the position of Jupiter in the horoscope. When he has money he will be extravagant and when he does not have it, he will adjust himself to circumstances. Important years will be 25th, 32nd, 41st, 49th, 57th and 63rd.

Third Drekkana (21°-30°).—The subject will get some good properties. Prudence and caution will mark all his dealings in matters of money. He rarely trusts people. He will lose considerable money through robbery and swindling. Important years will be 22nd, 25th, 33rd, 36th, 41st, 44th, 49th and 52nd.

Sagittarius or Dhanus
First Drekkana (1°-10°). Saturn will of course be the lord of the house of wealth. Much depends on how the subject is disposed. The nature is to rush into schemes without proper consideration. Partnership does not suit him. He will have two or more sources of income. He is liable to reversals at about the age of 32. The subject will lose money through association with fraudulent organisations. Much care is necessary in the signing of important contracts, papers, agreements and documents. Important years will be 19th, 20th, 28th, 29th, 37th, 38th, 46th and 55th.

Second Drekkana (11°-20°).—The native is more or less a rolling stone, unable to stick to any particular avocation. There will be a general feeling of uncertainty. The income will fluctuate. Even if in service, there will be many vicissitudes. Speculation and gambles should be avoided. Mining, shipping, transport, metallurgy, factory labour, etc., will suit him well. The important years will be 20th, 29th, 38th, 40th, 47th, 49th and 56th.

Third Drekkana (21°-30°).—Finances will be generally sound except in the early part of life. The subject.will make money in strange and sometimes in quite odd ways. He is likely to gain by marriage. He will receive sudden legacies, but this may lead into trouble. Provided the native does not indulge in speculation, he will amass considerable wealth. Important years will be 17th, 26th, 29th, 35th, 38th, 42nd and 49th.

Capricorn or Makara
First Drekkana (1°-10°).—The wealth will be due to personal merit and, sometimes, it may be due to speculation also. The subject will have many big plans but they will seldom succeed. He should be on guard always and not overtrust others. It promises success in any legitimate business he may care to go in for. He should try plans and projects that bring him in contact with the public. Investments connected with mining, precious stones and crystals and also factories will prove favourable. Important years will be 20th, 21st, 30th, 31st, 40th, 45th and 50th.

Second Drekkana (11°-20°).—The native will have a lot of regard for money. He will spend money on purposes not worthwhile, while shirking on those that he should spend. In the latter half of life, he will become over-generous and will naturally improverish himself. In other words, he will be difficult to understand. Banking will be good as also sound investments. The important years will be 22nd, 24th, 32nd, 35th, 42nd, 45th and 50th.

Third Drekkana (21°-30°).—Undesirable friends will drain financial resources. Music, literary work, dancing and other fine arts will be suitable for those born in this Drekkana. The subject will have to exercise great caution in money matters. During his early life, he will meet with many disappointments. But after about the 40th year, he will be successful. Speculation is not advisable. Important years will be 26th, 29th, 36th, 41st, 46th, 49th and 55th.

Aquarius or Kumbha
First Drekkana (1°-10°).—Provided Jupiter is well placed, the native will never feel the want for money. His earnings will be from different sources—particularly from journalism, book publication, practice of occult arts, politics, etc. If Jupiter's disposition is adverse, the monetary success is likely to be of an uncertain nature, subject to great mutations and to serious obstacles due chiefly to relatives and hidden enemies. His generous instincts will launch him into difficulties. He should be careful and cautious if in speculation. Gain through cooperation, partnership-association as well as through marriage is also indicated. There will be a strong desire to acquire and possess wealth, but money will only be a means to an end and not an end in itself. The important years are 16th, 24th. 25th, 29th, 35th, 46th and 57th.

Second Drekkana (11°-20°).—The results given above will also apply heie. The subject can make money as hotel manager, restaurant-keeper or mining engineer. He will be inclined to indulge in luxury and an extravagant form of life. He is prone to take risks in speculation but will be successful to some extent. Great opportunities will present themselves before the native. He should not go in for large schemes. He will find it difficult to work with others. Important years will be 15th, 26th, 27th, 37th, 38th, 51st, 58th, 59th and 67th.

Third Drekkana (21°-30°).—Financial conditions will not be sound. Business will generally be good and the subject will also do well in artistic lines. During the early years, he will labour under several disadvantages. He will have several reverses. He will be unsuccessful in gambles of any kind. Landed properties will bring advantageous returns. Important years will be 17th, 22nd, 26th, 33rd, 40th, 44th, 49th, 53rd, 55th and 60th.

Pisces or Meena
First Drekkana (1°-10°).—The subject will get many opportunities for amassing wealth if he can exercise control over himself. He will be generous and spend well in the first half of his life. But after his 45th year, the native will become miserly. If Mars is in the 8th house he will be inclined to wreck his good fortune getting involved in expensive litigation. He will succeed well as healer or doctor. He will be strongly inclined to speculation and will be somewhat successful in such chance games. He will find success in stocks, shares and industries. The important years will be 22nd, 24th, 29th, 34th, 38th, 41st, 49th and 56th.

Second Drekkana (11°-20°).—Health will be largely due to his own efforts. The native will follow a double occupation. He should be able to make money easily. The subject will always be craving and will never be satisfied. Later in life, he may come under uncertain conditions. Important years will be 20th, 29th, 32nd, 43rd, 47th, 55th and 61st.

Third Drekkana (21°-30°).—The native will be prudent in money matters and will hardly trust any people. He will experience losses from robbery. He will be fortunate in business connected with risk or chance. He will have many unexpected changes. He should be careful in signing documents and important papers. He can expect gain from unexpected sources. He will be successful in investments as also in public life. Important years will be 25th, 27th, 28th, 32nd, 37th, 41st, 47th, 53rd and 60th.

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