Sunday 22 November 2015

Aurangzeb Birth-Chart

The Lagna is the mystic sign of Aquarius, and has Jupiter rising. But the combined aspects of Mars and Saturn conferred the worst characteristics of bigotry and fanaticism. Whilst the exaltation of the karaka of the mind, viz., the Moon in the 4th indicates vast ability and patience, his association with Saturn and his occupation of the constellation of the Sun, who is in debility, made Aurangzeb habitually suspicious. Mark the fact that except Lagna all the kendras have malefics, while Lagna is subject to malefic aspects, producing Daitya Yoga, the result being a detestable hypocrisy.

Lord of the 10th Mars, the planet of war and aggression, is in the 7th while in the Navamsa he is very strongly placed in his own sign. This gave him a spirit of aggression, an insatiable ambition and an unscrupulous employment of means to attain his ends.

Aurangzeb's marriage with Dilras Banu Begum, a Persian princess, took place just at the end of Mars Dasa.

The 10th and 4th (action and thinking) are not clean, subjected as they are to the aspects of two first-rate malefics. This gave Aurangzeb, hypocrisy and unscrupulous ambition. He imprisond his father in Agra, confined his brother Murad in Gwalior, beheaded his brother Dara, proclaiming him as an apostate from the faith by a mock tribunal Dara's sons were imprisoned, a son of Murad was poisoned and Murad himself put to death in prison. Ths Sikh Guru Tej Bahadur was put to death because he refused to become a Muslim, and Sambajee, the son of Shivaji, was executed with barbarous torture because he spurned the indecent offer of the Emperor that Sambajee would be spared if he could become a Mohammedan.

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